For the two or so people who still read our blog, I have a confession to make. I've been avoiding our blog. On purpose. And it's kind of hard to explain why. But I'll try.
Over the last several months, I've been thinking about the purpose of our blog, and the direction I want to go with it. I have been reading more and more blogs, most of whom are people I have never met before. All are moms, most are stay-at-home moms, and for most, their blog is a sort-of outlet, or way to express themselves, and the trials, and triumphs of motherhood. And I have debated going that direction. But then I think, does the world really need another mom blog? Probably not. Do the few readers we do have want to read about my trials and triumphs in my boring, every day life. Probably not. We're probably going to lose what few readers we do have with just this post. (Just kidding, maybe?)
When we first created this blog, it was for the sole purpose of sharing the lives of our children with family, mainly grandparents, who don't live by us, thus allowing them to kind of be a part of their lives. And we have shared our blog link with many people through the last three years. But the blog has mostly been about the boys. And it was written for an audience that knows our family.
And we don't really have that many regular readers. Yes, you grandparents want to read about the antics of your little boys. But who else does?
But then, writing a blog for the sole purpose of gaining readership is lame. If it's truly going to be an outlet, a way to express myself while at home, surrounded by the daily tasks that I am, then I need to write it in a way that makes me happy. In a sense, the way blogging was created to be in the first place. Or at least how it was explained to me. A diary of sorts, that is public. And that people can comment on, if they want.
And then there is the issue of time. I don't have a lot of time. I'm a mom. You don't need a list. You know moms are busy. It's hard to find a time to get away to sit down and write a post, upload pictures, and the like. And then to keep two very busy boys from getting into the camera and cables and keyboards and stuff. It's not easy. Aaron's at that age where he is getting into everything. Or he wants to be held. Jacob is much more, but when I do have a minute, I like to have some one-on-one time with him, because he and I don't get it much.
The time issue is probably the real issue, more than anything else. (This was how far I was able to write before Aaron woke up, not a whole lot of time.) When I make the blog a priority, it seems to happen. But when I don't, it doesn't.
And I'm sure that since these are my thoughts, they probably don't make a lot of sense. They sure don't to me. But there you have it. What direction will we go with this, who knows? It's a journey. And if you read all the way to the end, thanks. I appreciate it.