See, he really did eat his lunch out of the ice cube tray.
Look what someone else has been eating! Okay, so maybe a hotdog isn't the healthiest food out there. But it's meat. And it's something different. Baby steps, people, baby steps.

This big boy got to go to the park down the street because he now has big boy shoes. Brand new big boy shoes. Expensive brand new big boy shoes. Because he has really wide feet. I've had two children's shoes salespersons comment on his wide feet. All I have to do is walk in the store and they go, "Wow. He has really wide feet!" Oh, dear. That's not a good sign. So much for saving all of Jacob's old shoes. They won't fit.

Jacob and I went on a date to Zoomars. It was a perfect morning. Just me and my sweet first-born.

Aaron created his own jungle-gym.

A fun new game.
This is what's been going on at our house lately. Yes, it is installed wrong. It's a really long story.

And this is my new toy. It arrived Friday.
Happy May, everyone!