Sunday, May 17, 2009

An Ode to Emily

For the past year, our family has been blessed with an amazing babysitter. Emily came into our lives last spring, and each week would provide me a few hours of sanity as I first worked on my master's thesis, and when that was done, enjoyed a couple hours of free time. She and Jacob had loads of fun together, playing inside and outside, doing art, reading stories, visiting the park, and eventually even going places so Jacob could ride in "Emily car." She even stayed with Jacob overnight twice, once while John and I had an overnight date to San Clemente, and also the night before Aaron was born. But, she was a senior at Concordia University in Irvine this year, and graduated on Friday with a degree in Liberal Studies. Also, in December she got engaged, and so has returned home to the Sacramento area to finish planning her August wedding before returning to Orange County in the fall to student teach. So, on Wednesday, we said good-bye to Emily. We miss you already!


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