I decided to start Aaron on solids. I was going to wait until 6 months, because starting solids with Jacob did not go well. So I figured, I might as well wait, but Aaron was showing all the signs of being ready. I did a little reading on good first foods to introduce, and found out that avocado is an excellent first food for baby. I didn't really want to start with cereal anyway (Jacob never liked it), so I figured why not. I can get cheap, fresh avocados at the local farmer's market. So today, after Jacob and I had our lunch. Aaron had his. He only ate a little, maybe a teaspoon or two. But he smiled and grinned.

I think he likes it!
Update: Oh, by the way, here are the stats from Aaron's four month check last week: Weight: 17.5 pounds (91 percentile) and Height: 27 inches (97 percentile). He is wearing 9 and 12 month clothes. This is one of the reasons why I decided to try solids. He's growing so fast!
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