Aaron and Jacob are like night and day. When I was told that we were having another boy, my first visions were of another Jacob. Don't get me wrong. I love Jacob! He is my joy, and he makes me laugh daily. But he's Jacob. And he takes after me. So, he's not exactly easy. And truthfully, I had a (one-sided) conversation with Aaron the day before he was born, recognizing that he would be his own self, different from Jacob, and still very much loved. And he is! Thankfully, Aaron takes after John.
Aaron has grown super-fast. At his sixth-month check-up, he weighed in at two ounces shy of twenty pounds. Jacob weighed in at exactly twenty pounds at his nine-month check-up. John's comment, "Oh good. Aaron is growing fifty percent faster." He is going through clothes like crazy. Currently he is wearing 12-month onesies (which some are tight), 9 or 12-month pants (but only the really stretchy kind because denim or cords won't fit over his thighs), 18-month pajamas and 18-month shorts (Jacob also wears 18-month shorts). They both now wear the same size diaper, size 4. Many of the clothes I have saved from Jacob, Aaron has not, or will never be able to wear. Again, he is his own person! Aaron has started pre-crawling. He can just about anywhere he wants to by lunging, flopping, and rolling. I'm hoping this mobility will slow down his growth-rate, because my back needs a break!
Eating is a major area where Jacob and Aaron are completely different. I have always blamed myself for Jacob's difficulties with breastfeeding, solid food, and just general eating. Feeding always was (and still is) a battle with Jacob. But it's not so with Aaron. Feeding Aaron has been easy (well, as easy as a child who refuses the bottle can be- and again, another difference, for Jacob LOVED the bottle for over two years). We've had very little problems breastfeeding. Aaron LOVES solid food and will eat just about anything you put in his mouth. He was able to get a breadstick from John the other day and just sucked on it until little bits came off into his mouth. Jacob refused the breadstick. And when I was eating lunch next to Aaron the other day, he got so excited, that I decided to get something for him too. But he was less than thrilled about my walking away with the plate and let me know it. That little man loves to eat!
Do I ever love this little guy! He is just so squishy and adorable and lovable and I could just eat him up!
1 comment:
You better eat him before he eats you...
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