Thursday, October 25, 2007

Videos from around the house

We've captured some fun Jacob moments on film for all to enjoy. First, here is a video of our typical bathtime experience nowadays. He does this every time we put him into the tub—he's really enjoying his new game.

Although now, we have to close the shower curtain because he splashes so hard!

Next, here he is with one of his toys—it's a block with a piece you can pull. It looks like a frog leg. When you pull it back, it retracts and makes the block vibrate. Now, we've enticed him with this before by showing him how it works, but we didn't expect he'd find a way to operate it on his own. (It helps to have teeth. His current count: four!) Well, he sure proved us wrong:

He's pretty darn clever! It never ceases to amaze us.

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