Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Pictures and Updates

Here are the pictures I promised. The last two pictures were taken while I was trying to upload these photos, and when I discovered what he was up to, I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants.

Outdoor Fun

In other Jacob news, we tried introducing whole milk into his diet, and it didn't work. I've decided no dairy for 6 months and then we'll try again. Poor little boy. He's also been teething, but no new teeth yet (still the same 7 since December 3). Just a lot of crankiness and lost sleep. It's so hard to grow big. But, he sends you all big smiles.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sharing and Clapping

Jacob's newest game is to share. Everything. Most of the time, it's absolutely the sweetest thing. Like on Monday, when Jacob and John fed each other grapes (Jacob's grapes were cut into quarters). Or, when he holds out his water cup for me to drink. But, he also wants to share his bottle, or half-eaten slobbery gooey crackers, or things that he'd rather not eat, so it's more fun to feed it to mom. He's so sweet.

He is also learning to clap. Tonight, he was having so much fun with his new trick, that John reports that he was clapping in the bathtub, as well as while trying to drink his bottle before bedtime.

I cut his hair by myself, today. We have these kids haircut places that are rather expensive and not worth it, or someone I know takes her child to a barber, who is not all that kid-friendly. So, I decided to just do it myself. It's not perfect, but not terrible and will save us some money. I just turned on Sesame Street and sat him on the coffee table. It worked great!

We have pictures, but I'm too tired to post them tonight. But he's enjoyed his sandbox, and climbing on the coffee table. I'll post them soon.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Jacob's Birthday Party!

We went down to the park this afternoon and celebrated Jacob's first birthday! We had a pretty big turnout, and it was a lot of fun. Jacob finally got a taste of chocolate cupcake!

Jacob's Birthday Party

One fun highlight of the party happened when we put Jacob in the swing. Audrie, Josh and Dana's dog, decided she wanted to play too. Luckily, Donna had the camera ready and took a video:

Also, last week we uploaded a few pictures but never got around to making a post for them. These feature Jacob climbing precariously on furniture, and attempting to feed himself with appropriately messy results:

Jacob climbs, swings, and eats

Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Birthday, Big Boy!

It's hard to believe, but it's been a year! It some ways, it feels like it was just yesterday, and in other ways, it feels like he's always been a part of our family.

We had a big day for Jacob's birthday. Jacob got to visit Disneyland for the first time today! We took him after his nap, and only stayed for a few hours, but we had a lot of fun.

First Birthday at Disneyland!

Jacob has also been working on a few molars, so he's been a bit cranky, but ice works well. His new tricks are pointing, especially at the ceiling fans, and playing Beatmania with daddy (you'll have to ask John what that's all about). And so, as John said this morning, "We must be doing something right. He's still alive."

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Tuesday's Youngest Voter?

Jacob went with John and I to vote yesterday, and they gave him a voter sticker. As my dad says, "Vote early. Vote often." Jacob's important issues in this election are never-ending bottles, banning the consumption of vegetables and nap-taking, an abundance of toys to chew on, as well as being allowed to crawl anywhere one may want to go. We're not totally sure who Jacob voted for...

little voter

Friday, February 1, 2008

Jacob eats spaghetti

Jacob has found another food that he enjoys—spaghetti!
I'm told that the end result was much messier than this—spaghetti in the hair, sauce all over the face—but the pictures should give a pretty good idea of how things went.
