Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sharing and Clapping

Jacob's newest game is to share. Everything. Most of the time, it's absolutely the sweetest thing. Like on Monday, when Jacob and John fed each other grapes (Jacob's grapes were cut into quarters). Or, when he holds out his water cup for me to drink. But, he also wants to share his bottle, or half-eaten slobbery gooey crackers, or things that he'd rather not eat, so it's more fun to feed it to mom. He's so sweet.

He is also learning to clap. Tonight, he was having so much fun with his new trick, that John reports that he was clapping in the bathtub, as well as while trying to drink his bottle before bedtime.

I cut his hair by myself, today. We have these kids haircut places that are rather expensive and not worth it, or someone I know takes her child to a barber, who is not all that kid-friendly. So, I decided to just do it myself. It's not perfect, but not terrible and will save us some money. I just turned on Sesame Street and sat him on the coffee table. It worked great!

We have pictures, but I'm too tired to post them tonight. But he's enjoyed his sandbox, and climbing on the coffee table. I'll post them soon.

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