Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Busy January

I had one of those amazing parenting moments today. We recently turned Jacob's car seat around to face forward (slightly early, I know. His legs are so long that he didn't have room sitting backwards anymore.) Jacob has been pretty fascinated by all that he can see now that he faces forward. Anyway, back to today: we headed out in the rain this afternoon to go grocery shopping. As we were driving away from the house, Jacob started giggling. Pretty soon, his giggling turned into hysterical laughter. It took me a minute, but I finally figured it out that this was the first time he had ever seen windshield wipers operate, and he thought they were pretty funny. I adjusted them a little bit more than necessary to make them go really fast or really slow. He and I laughed all the way to the store.

Jacob currently is in transition from two naps a day to just one. Except, unlike many babies, he has decided that the afternoon nap is the nap he wants to give up. He will sleep 11-12 hours a night, and then fall asleep 2.5 hours later for a nap. He then will go 6 or more hours before wanting another nap, and by then, it's usually after 5 pm, and he is beyond cranky, but it's too early for bed and too late for a nap. And then, if that morning nap gets messed with in any way, it can be even worse. I am trying to delay that morning nap, but sometimes it can be tough. It was easy to delay the morning nap today with the tree-removal guys removing the tree next to our backyard. He definitely could not sleep with the chain-saw running right outside his window. Thank goodness those guys took a lunch break.

We went up to John's parents for the holiday weekend, so many of the pictures in this post are from that trip. Enjoy!

Ducks, Trips, and Trees

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