Friday, July 11, 2008

Little Reader

Jacob loves books. No, let me rephrase that. Jacob LOVES books. A big part of every day is spent with books, whether we are reading to him, or he reads to himself. Since most of my higher education has had to do with how young children learn to read, and children's literature, etc., I find his fascination with books truly incredible. The first thing he wants to do in the morning is read stories. We now keep a handful of books in his crib, and in the morning and after nap, he sits in his crib and reads to himself for 20 minutes or more. It's amazing that we can lose Jacob in our home because he has disappeared behind the rocking chair in his room to pull tons of books off the shelf and read them. Now he knows how to put them back on shelf, and he's very particular about which book he wants to look at. It's so fun to have him run up to you with a book in his hand. The other day, we took him to the book store, and he thought that the aisle full of board books was (almost) as amazing as the ceiling fan section of the home improvement store. We were able to set a bunch of books on the floor, and Jacob had a great time deciding which ones to actually buy. And now that he has a bit of language, he is able to point to things that he recognizes and tell us what they are. I love it. I pray that our son will always love books and reading as much as he does now.

Reader of books

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