Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Recipe for the Afternoon

Start with a 7-month pregnant mama. Add an almost two-year-old with a head cold. Have the mama wake up early, thanks to baby kicking like crazy. Have the toddler sleep in really late. Add trips to the physical therapist and the toddler music class in the morning. Then the most important step: skip nap time. Add a nasty cough to the toddler and finally a daddy that has to work late. Final result: an interesting afternoon and evening. This mama is very thankful for Backyardigans and Letter Factory videos.

Additional note: John and I have been working on trying to wean Jacob from the bottle. It's slow going, due to Jacob still needing the nutrients from the formula, and needing the soothing before nap and bedtime. But, little by little, we have been cutting it down. Tonight, we made a huge leap when Jacob refused his bedtime bottle (mostly due to being very cranky). So, he went to bed without having it. We've decided he will from now on. Hooray! One less daily bottle to make and wash.

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