Saturday, November 28, 2009

Babywearing Mama Wearing Baby

Babywearing is one of my most favorite parts of parenting a baby. To be able to wear my baby close to me, to have him happy and content as he watches me go about my tasks is a special and intimate bonding experience between mama and child. I've acquired several babywearing apparatuses (and will happily admit that I'd like to try a few more). Each one is good for different situations.

The Moby Wrap was my second purchase, and continues to be my favorite. It's great if I want Aaron to sleep while I am out and about, or if I know I need to wear him for long stretches of time.

I know we have posted this picture before, but I started Aaron in the Moby Wrap when he was just three or four days old.

The Maya Wrap (or ring sling) was recommended by a mama friend and is perfect when Aaron just wants to be held. It's quick and easy to put on.

My newest contraption, the Kokopax (lightweight frame backpack), has been very handy with meal prep. This isn't a great picture, quality-wise, but you can see Aaron loves being near Mama.

John has also worn the Kokopax, and finds it easy and comfortable. Apparently, Aaron finds it comfortable as well, because last week while I was cooking dinner, I realized that he was fast asleep on my back (sorry, I'm still learning about the flash on my camera):

I love wearing my baby! I wear Aaron often, and will probably wear our next child even more. I didn't wear Jacob all that much, mostly because all I had with him was the very uncomfortable Baby Björn. In fact, I don't think I have any pictures with either of the boys in the Baby Björn (and if I did, I'm too lazy to scroll through photo archives to find them *grin*).

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