Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Healthy Boys

I took the boys to their pediatrician for their well-checks today. I was 2.5 weeks late on Jacob's and 2 weeks early on Aaron's but I wanted to save a trip, and I also needed the doctor to check Aaron's ears to assure that they are clear. So, I killed three birds with one stone! Efficiency at it's best!

Anyway, here are their current stats, more for my memory than anything:
Jacob weighs 28 pounds (11th percentile) and is 37.5 inches tall (48th percentile).
Aaron weighs 23.5 pounds (66th percentile) and is 31 inches tall (89th percentile).

The doctor is not at all concerned by Jacob's weight. So, therefore, I'm not going to be either. He eats what he eats, and that's that. He's a smart, creative little man, and maybe someday he will eat a bigger variety. He may always be a vegetarian, but that's his choice to make. I love this guy!

As for Aaron, he's still our little garbage disposal. He will eat anything and everything, including dirt. I love him, too! They are so different. And they love each other so much.

They each got one shot today. This was Aaron's first, as we decided to delay vaccines with him. They both cried, for about 2 seconds. All is forgotten now. My sweet boys.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Sounds like Jacob is perfect! :)
