Monday, March 1, 2010


Our baby is talking! Aaron is very much a babbler, and has so much to say, as long as it's not in front of an audience. He's been verbalizing "mama' and "dada" (and many other baby babble sounds) for a little while now, but not really expressing a distinction between John and myself, or calling our names to us directly. Recently, he has been waving, or playing "Open, Shut Them" with his hands. And today, when he and I got in the van to go get Jacob, he started to wave his little chubby hand and say, "buh buh. buh buh." It was so stinkin' cute! I guess you really had to be there, and also be one of his parents, to really appreciate this. But I'm proud of my little man! He's saying "Bye, bye!"

And then later on this evening, while I was hiding in our bedroom and on the phone, he came and found me, and then said, "mama. mmmm- mama." Oh, my sweet boy! I am in love.

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